Monday, November 25, 2013

Anxiety aftermath, The BIG 5 and Bucket List Disappointment.

I want to touch lightly on the subject of the spitting incident. The thoughts are swirling about my brain and I haven't totally made sense of everything yet. The one side effect is that my anxiety is now much higher than it was before the spitting incident. I haven't gone back to that street corner since it happened and have been avoiding the area if I can. My hijab is still dirty, in the dirty laundry pile but not forgotten. It is like having a pretty foul piece of laundry that you know you have to wash but the thought of doing so makes your tummy churn and you much rather toss it but you cannot. It is bad enough having terrible things happen to you but it is awful walking around knowing that you have the potential to experience even worse examples of hate. And that is what I am afraid of the most. I know some have expected a bigger follow up but I am chipping away at this fear. With enough time and once I digest all the emotions, factors and anxiety, I am sure I will produce something that will be more of a read and thought provoker then this little blip. I've been a little preoccupied with life but you know what they say...

“Life happens.”

In my case it happens all at once. Then I will have a “nothing is happening in my life” drought. My phone was stolen and we've been dealing with the lovely viruses that are going around, yes not one but two.

Little Miss turned the BIG 5 last Monday and we celebrated in a big way for the Little Miss. I had a theme and as much as the tutorials made it look very easy, my OCD made it nearly impossible. I gave up on most of it and stuck to the usual balloons, flower pom poms and streamers. But it was still very pretty and got Little Misses seal of approval! We received a ton of rave reviews on her decorations but her streamers got the most attention! They were so simple to make! 

I would have more pictures but yeah, my phone was stolen and they never synced with my backup storage.

I used the large tissue pack from Micheal’s for $7.99. I placed all the layers on top of each other and cut a section of the tissue paper the length of the tissue paper at a width of 3 inches. When I started cutting the lines, I kept the layers together as it made it much easier and less time consuming. Then to make it reach the table, I glued with a glue stick the end pieces together. I then alternated the colors and taped balloons up top to finish off the look. I think the tissue added a softer and fluffier look then normal color paper would of.

You can find the tutorial on how I made the light lavender and dark purple streamers behind the gift table here: Zig Zag Accordion Streamers

Overall it was great experience and I am glad we did it. 

I have always had this dream of watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in person and now that I am in New York, I thought I could mark that off my list. WRONG! It's just not going to happen. In order to get spots in the “public viewing” area, I would have to be there by 5am! That would mean I would have to leave my house to take the subway by 330am. I shudder at the fact of waking Little Miss at 3am! Little Miss would morph into Little Hell On Wheels for the rest of the day! Not to mention we have a possible Nor-Easter heading our way and neither Little Miss or I need to be out in that kind of weather. Oh and by the time the parade would reach the public viewing area it would be NOON. The subway ride home would be another hour and I would be forced to run around in the kitchen to cook Thanksgiving dinner in less then three hours! Ain't happening. You couldn't supply me with enough Starbucks to make THAT happen. Sorry Little Miss you'll just have to sit on the couch with momma eating pie and watching it on TV.

Mmmmm pie.

But depending on the weather we may go watch them blow the balloons up the day before during their Inflation Celebration if we are feeling better! That should be an interesting adventure! I am sure my inner child and my actual child will be in awe watching that!

(Maybe next year Spidey!)

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